Sopaipilla teatro
The company
Sopaipilla Teatro Company was born in 2010, founded under the premise of a popular and alive theatre, where closeness with people is a must. With four plays under its authorship, the company has travelled Chile, España, Peru, Argentina and Uruguay with their theatrical work. Their plays Circo Peligro (2015), Sin Pavimento (2016), Prometeo (2016), Dominó (2019) and Chicken guerrilla (2019) have participated in national and international festivals.
Thereby, the company considers the work in cultural arts area as a diverse and integral work, where it is not enough to disseminate artistic products, but teaching and the exercise of sharing knowledge and professional training in the performing arts are also being built as a central objective to concretely contribute to the artistic and theatrical movement in Latin America and the world.
The company
Sopaipilla Teatro Company was born in 2010, founded under the premise of a popular and alive theatre, where closeness with people is a must. With four plays under its authorship, the company has travelled Chile, España, Peru, Argentina and Uruguay with their theatrical work. Their plays Circo Peligro (2015), Sin Pavimento (2016), Prometeo (2016), Dominó (2019) and Chicken guerrilla (2019) have participated in national and international festivals.
Thereby, the company considers the work in cultural arts area as a diverse and integral work, where it is not enough to disseminate artistic products, but teaching and the exercise of sharing knowledge and professional training in the performing arts are also being built as a central objective to concretely contribute to the artistic and theatrical movement in Latin America and the world.

cuervos de pantano
The Chicken Guerrilla gives their last battle.. And you? Would you join us?
Two friends, two colleagues. A dream, a career.
circo peligro
“Let’s not stop playing … Let’s not stop dreaming … This miserable world is possible to be changed!”
international festivals
Participation in international festivals:
“XIX Festival Internacional de Teatro y las Artes FITAR” – Gorbea, Chile, January 2020 (Play: Chicken guerrilla).
Festival “XXIV Fiesta homenaje al teatro independiente” – Murphy, Argentina, April & May 2019 (Play: Chicken guerrilla).
“VI Festival de Teatro Callejero Corriendo la Coneja” – Paraná, Argentina, April 2019 (Play: Chicken guerrilla).
“XIX Festival Internacional de Teatro y las Artes FITAR” – Gorbea, Chile, January 2020. (Play: Dominó).
International Festival“ENTEPACH Versión XXIV” – Chillán, Chile, January 2019 (Play: Dominó).
“XX Festival Internacional de Teatro San Joaquín” – San Joaquín, Chile, January 2019 (Play: Dominó).
“Festa major del Raval 2018″ – Barcelona, España, July 2018 (Play: Circo Peligro).
Festival “IX Muestra internacional de teatro del Mercosur interior ‘Atahualpa del Cioppo’” – Paysandú, Uruguay, November 2016 (Play: Circo Peligro).
Festival “XIV Encuentro internacional de teatro para niños” – Santa Fé y Entre Ríos, Argentina, July 2016 (Play: Circo Peligro).

Participation in national festivals:
“Encuentro Teatro Intercomunal de La Granja – ETI” – La Granja, Chile, September 2019 (Play: Dominó).
International Festival “XIII Encuentro de Teatro para Niños FESTIN” – Concepción, Chile, July 2019 (Play: Dominó).
Festival “Metropolitano de Centros Culturales” programa “Santiago es mío” (National Council for Culture and Arts), San Joaquín, Chile, September 2017. (Play: Circo Peligro).
Festival “Carnaval de las artes de Quellón versión II” – Quellón, Chile, February 2017. (Play: Circo Peligro).
Festival “Súbete a las tablas” – Melipilla, Chile, February 2017. (Play: Circo Peligro).
Festival “100 Manos versión II” – San Joaquín, Chile, February 2017. (Play: Circo Peligro).
Festival “V Encuentro Chileno-argentino de mimo” – Santiago, Chile, Diciembre 2016. (Obra Circo Peligro).
Festival “Escena obrera” – Santiago, Chile, Mayo 2015. (Obra Circo Peligro).
national festivals

Cuervos de pantano
Cuentan que, dicen que, escuché que…
Tres cuervos de pantano originarios de la Laguna Torca vienen a contarnos historias propias de la tradición oral de la Región del Maule. Aquellas historias que navegan y transitan de voz en voz, y de generación en generación.
Aquellas historias que nos recuerdan quienes fuimos, quienes somos, y qué podemos ser. El Melado, El pacto, y El cuento del lorito, vienen a reflejar lo esencial del ser humano: La vida y la muerte, el poder, lo humano y lo divino, la pasión, el bien y el mal.
Escuchar y mirar, los cuervos vienen a contar, aquello necesario, para no olvidar.

Ficha artística:
Dirección y dramaturgia: Andrés Saavedra
Diseño Integral: Marcela Rodríguez
Asistente de dirección: Mauricio Fuentes
Elenco: Mauricio Fuentes, Sebastián Pozo y Andrés Saavedra
Jefe técnico: Simón Bruna
Operador técnico: Diego Barrios
Diseño y construcción escenográfica: Héctor Rodríguez y Diego Rodríguez
Diseño de vestuario y asistente de diseño integral: Eugenia Donoso
Montajista y asistente de diseño integral: Diego Rodríguez
Director musical y músico compositor: Lorenzo Cornejo
Música: Magdalena Espinoza
Investigadora social: Marión Vásquez
Realizadores audiovisuales: Felipe Poblete, Franco Lavagnino e Isaac Gallardo
Fotografía: Cristian Silva y Eduardo Arenas
Diseño gráfico: Marcela Rodríguez

Circo peligro
Have you noticed!? When we feel fear our body changes! We are paralyzed, we feel weak, we do not want to look, we do not want to talk … But also, when I feel fear, I feel like I have to defeat and overcome it! The game and the madness appear! I feel like a child! Circo Peligro begins!
Crossing a path full of obstacles and challenges, Sopaipilla begins to discover how to go through the paralyzing effect of fear. Playing and imagining are the initial kick to overcome the abyss of fear, imagining new realities the panorama may seem to have a light, an escape, and more than an escape, a new possibility, a new way forward.
It makes no sense to walk this way in a solitary way, whatever you want to do include others, but above all, you need them with you. In the darkness of the room, Sopaipilla realizes that this companion must be one of the people who is observing all this adventure, at this point the audience becomes protagonist, only with his presence, and if he dares and is willing to live a different experience, accompanying Sopaipilla in the construction of this road, there is when you can build the dream of a trench without fear, without a paralyzing fear.
The stage is already populated by two people, two bodies, but is expected to represent the dream of many: to do something more dangerous, and thus to overcome the grey mantle of fear…
“Let’s not stop playing … Let’s not stop dreaming … This miserable world is possible to be changed!”

artistic team:
Dramaturgy, interpretation and directed by: Andrés Saavedra.
Technician and lights design: Diego Barrios.
Sound technician: Álvaro Becerra.
Circo peligro
Have you noticed!? When we feel fear our body changes! We are paralyzed, we feel weak, we do not want to look, we do not want to talk … But also, when I feel fear, I feel like I have to defeat and overcome it! The game and the madness appear! I feel like a child! Circo Peligro begins!
Crossing a path full of obstacles and challenges, Sopaipilla begins to discover how to go through the paralyzing effect of fear. Playing and imagining are the initial kick to overcome the abyss of fear, imagining new realities the panorama may seem to have a light, an escape, and more than an escape, a new possibility, a new way forward.
It makes no sense to walk this way in a solitary way, whatever you want to do include others, but above all, you need them with you. In the darkness of the room, Sopaipilla realizes that this companion must be one of the people who is observing all this adventure, at this point the audience becomes protagonist, only with his presence, and if he dares and is willing to live a different experience, accompanying Sopaipilla in the construction of this road, there is when you can build the dream of a trench without fear, without a paralyzing fear.
The stage is already populated by two people, two bodies, but is expected to represent the dream of many: to do something more dangerous, and thus to overcome the grey mantle of fear…
“Let’s not stop playing … Let’s not stop dreaming … This miserable world is possible to be changed!”
artistic team:
Dramaturgy, interpretation and directed by: Andrés Saavedra.
Technician and lights design: Diego Barrios.
Sound technician: Álvaro Becerra.
The game is like this: they put a chip, we put another, they put one, we put another. But in the end, everything has a consequence … Like in the domino!
For ten years that Palomo and Pelao have been working together, year after year they have seen their yearning frustrated, race after race defeat has been their bitter companion. Power, money, influence, lies and blackmail have always included the balance in the same direction.
This time is different, a new idea, a new universe and philosophy is presented in front of them. A simple board game becomes your guide, where justice intends to make its own and return what belongs to them, victory.
Two friends, two colleagues. A dream, a career.

artistic team:
Dramaturgy and directed by: Andrés Saavedra
Integral design: Marcela Rodríguez
Performers: Mauricio Fuentes, Andrés Saavedra
Lights design: Diego Barrios
Costume design: Darinka Bogdanic
Set design: Eugenia Rojas

artistic team:
Dramaturgy and directed by: Andrés Saavedra
Integral design: Marcela Rodríguez
Performers: Mauricio Fuentes, Andrés Saavedra
Lights design: Diego Barrios
Costume design: Darinka Bogdanic
Set design: Eugenia Rojas
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